BUT have another thing you need to concern about...
Assalamualaikum to my dearest readers.
Agree or not really agree that blog are the placed as terapi minda [mind teraphy]?.
Yeayyrrr. Thats correct what!.
Blog is the placed when you're in happy, you'll jot down anything & everything you like whether your readers like it or not to read. It's the normal act you want to share in what you like with your reader in blog. Isn't it?!. Besides of that, blog is the place you're in anger, you blow up in the form of words & images etc etc etc. Rights?!.
So, that is blog works. Difference type of blog difference ways to play but in same messages. You're want people to know your intentions, prediction, favorites, hate, love etc etc etc.
But, you need to concern about another thing before you need to tell the world you're in that curtain particular issue.
1. Be yourself - the once you're cheating to other blogger in particular issues, you'll in trouble. Yeayy, people don't know who are you [hidden id] but reader with X you as a cheater in what you perform about it. Went them hates you, the unexpected jobs they'll do by hacking each other!! The blog worlds is a bit cruel but most of it, ENJOYABLE!!

2. Sourcing, crediting & linking - We're crazy on beautiful images, uniques pictures, etc etc, upload & uploaded without nowhere it come from. To appreciate other people works, linking the pictures & images. Yeayy after linking please do short messages to the owner itself. Isn't simply?!. If google sourcing that not really problem kan. Most of us likes to put 'sumber en google, Mr. google' etc etc etc. Just take it as simple but appreciate other people works is the best. Piece!!
credit to tumblr.com
3. Supporting & following - the best theraphy which has been followed. Being honest, not to persuade other blogger to follow your blog instantly. Keep them in normal ways. Freely following & supporting each other. The character of blogger is they were really like if had inceasing number of follower from the follow box. But need to concern about do not to persuade other blogger to follow you back instantly. Thats such annoying spam messages.
Here’s a ♥ to all my followers.
haha.. saya dah follow awk, harap dpat follow saya balik.. HAHAHA ...
@Mohd Khairi Khadzir: haha i'm not follow in request. sorry!!giler kejam!!
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